  • Temperature:40 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Milk:5-7 gallons of milk per day
  • Food:Concentrates, Forage
  • Pregnancy:Approximately 283 days
  • Nationality:Germany
General Information

The Gelbvieh breed was developed in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in the Bavarian region of Germany. The breed was developed by crossing local cattle breeds with Simmental cattle, which were imported from Switzerland.

Gelbvieh cattle are known for their muscular build and golden or reddish-brown color. They have a docile temperament and are medium to large in size. They are typically used for beef production, and are known for their rapid growth rate, good feed efficiency, and high-quality meat.

Gelbvieh cattle are adaptable to a wide range of environments, including hot and humid climates, as well as cold and harsh winters. They are resistant to many common cattle diseases and parasites.

Where we find this cow to buy?

Here are some resources that may help you find Gelbvieh cattle for sale:

Gelbvieh cattle can be purchased from a variety of sources, including breeders, livestock auctions, and online marketplaces.

The American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) maintains a list of breeders and members on their website, which can be a useful resource for finding Gelbvieh cattle for sale.

Additionally, livestock auctions and online marketplaces such as CattleRange and CattleUSA often have Gelbvieh cattle available for purchase.

It is important to do thorough research and due diligence before purchasing Gelbvieh cattle to ensure that they meet your specific needs and requirements.


How to increase milk production in Gelbvieh

Gelbvieh cattle are primarily a beef breed, and while they do produce milk for their calves, they are not typically used for dairy production. However, in general, here are some ways to increase milk production in cattle:


Proper Nutrition

Adequate nutrition is essential for milk production in cattle. Feeding a balanced diet that meets the animal’s energy, protein, and mineral requirements can help increase milk production.


Proper Milking Technique

Proper milking technique, including regular and complete milking, can help stimulate milk production and prevent mastitis, a common cause of decreased milk production.


Milking Frequency

Increasing the frequency of milking, such as from twice a day to three times a day, can help increase milk production. However, this requires additional labor and may not be practical for all farms.


Good Herd Management

Proper management of the herd, including regular health checks, timely vaccinations, and adequate housing and ventilation, can help keep the cows healthy and productive.


As with all livestock, Gelbvieh cattle may require medical attention from time to time. The specific medicines used will depend on the condition being treated and should be prescribed by a veterinarian. Here are some common medicines that may be used for Gelbvieh cattle:



Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections in cattle, such as respiratory infections and mastitis.



Dewormers, such as ivermectin and fenbendazole, are used to treat and prevent internal parasites in cattle.



Vaccines are used to prevent common diseases in cattle, including respiratory diseases and reproductive diseases.


Pain Medications

Pain medications such as flunixin meglumine can be used to treat cattle with injuries or other painful conditions.


Pregnant Gelbvieh cows need a balanced and nutritious diet, high in protein, energy, and minerals, with both forage and concentrates.


It is important to ensure that pregnant Gelbvieh cows are up-to-date on all necessary vaccinations to prevent infectious diseases that could harm the calf or the cow.


It is important to monitor pregnant Gelbvieh cows closely for any signs of health issues or complications, such as dystocia (difficult labor), fetal distress, or pregnancy toxemia.


Gelbvieh cows typically give birth without assistance, but it is important to be prepared for any complications by having a veterinarian on call and appropriate equipment on hand.


By providing appropriate care and management during pregnancy, Gelbvieh cattle can give birth to healthy and productive calves that can contribute to the success of the herd.


Like all cattle, Gelbvieh cattle require a balanced and nutritious diet to support their health, growth, and production. Here are some foods that may be included in the diet of Gelbvieh cattle:

01. Forage

They are ruminants and require forage in their diet to support their digestive system. Forage sources may include hay, pasture, silage, or other types of grasses or legumes.

02. Concentrates

Concentrates are high-energy feeds that supplement the forage portion of the diet, such as grains, wheat, and barley, as well as protein sources.

03. Minerals and vitamins

They require a balance of minerals and vitamins in their diet to support their overall health and productivity. This may include supplements such as salt, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A.

04. Water

Access to clean, fresh water is essential for the health and well-being of Gelbvieh cattle. Cattle require approximately 1-2 gallons of water per 100 pounds of body weight per day.


Here are some facts about Gelbvieh cattle:


They are a dual-purpose breed of cattle that originated in Germany. The breed was first imported to the United States in 1971.


They are popular in the United States and are used in crossbreeding programs to improve the genetics of other breeds of cattle.


They are known for their red or golden brown color, muscular build, thick coat, and adaptability to a variety of climates.


They are a large breed, with bulls weighing between 2,000 and 2,500 pounds and cows weighing between 1,200 and 1,500 pounds.


Gelbvieh cattle are known for their calm temperament and adaptability to management systems.

06Growth Rate

Gelbvieh cattle are used in crossbreeding programs to improve growth and carcass quality in other breeds.

07Milk Production

Gelbvieh cattle produce between 4,000 and 7,000 pounds of milk per lactation, primarily for beef production.


Gelbvieh cattle are known for their longevity and ability to produce high-quality beef well into their old age.